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Residence Permit Now Required for Foreigners to Marry in Türkiye

Foreigners must now have a legal residence permit to marry in Türkiye, aiming to curb the trend of gaining citizenship through marriage

In a move aimed at tightening regulations and curbing the trend of foreigners seeking Turkish citizenship through marriage, the Interior Ministry's General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs has announced that foreigners wishing to marry in Türkiye must now possess a legal residence permit.

Rising Trend of Citizenship through Marriage

Türkiye has witnessed a significant rise in the number of foreigners attempting to gain citizenship by marrying Turkish nationals. Since the early 2000s, the country has seen an influx of foreigners settling through both legal and illegal means. Marrying a Turkish citizen has emerged as a popular and easily exploitable method to obtain a residence permit, with the potential of eventually acquiring Turkish citizenship.

New Directive to Marry in Türkiye

The new directive states that marriage applications involving a Turkish citizen and a foreigner, or between two foreigners, will only be accepted if the foreign national possesses a valid passport or equivalent document and a legal residence permit in Türkiye. This policy aims to ensure public order and effectively combat irregular migration.

Addressing National Security Concerns

The Interior Ministry's letter to marriage bureaus highlights that disturbances in neighboring countries and Türkiye's geographical location have contributed to the rise in foreigners seeking to settle in the country. The ministry emphasized that the new requirement to marry in Türkiye is crucial for national security and sovereignty, as it prevents potentially malicious individuals from exploiting the marriage route to remain in Türkiye.

Communicating the New Requirement

The directive has been communicated to all marriage bureaus across Türkiye to ensure compliance. By requiring a legal residence permit for foreigners wishing to marry in Türkiye, the government aims to enhance public safety and regulate the influx of foreign nationals more effectively.

Consult Turkish Immigration Lawyers Today

Navigating the new requirements to marry in Türkiye can be complex. At Kurucuk & Associates Law Firm, based in Istanbul, we specialize in Turkish immigration law and are here to help you through the process. Our experienced team will ensure you understand and comply with the new regulations, making your path to marriage in Türkiye smooth and hassle-free. Contact us today for expert guidance and support in securing your legal residence permit and successfully marrying in Türkiye.

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